
Showing posts from April, 2022

Infinite Expansion of Books Meditation

Sorry, had to slip an Exalted reference in the title. 😉 How much is too much when it comes to sourcebooks? Our simple answer is this: It takes as many books as is needed to cover the major groups within the game and the choices provided in the core rulebook. The rulebook is expected to give broad strokes of the setting and what's available, as well as the rules for playing the game. If it covered everything , it'd be thousands of pages long. For example: Legend of the Five Rings      - Clan          - How do the different Clans stand apart from each other? What are their beliefs and traditions? What makes them unique, culturally?      - Family          - How does one Family stand apart from the others? What are the duties of the families, what's expected of them?      - Dojo          - What is each dojo, what do they teach, what special techniques do each have? In L5R, there's like seven different Clans, each with three or four families, and then four to six different