
Showing posts from June, 2022

Maybe it's Magic, maybe it's Maybelline.

  "It's Magic / It's Fantasy" Maybe it's the autism speaking, but when someone gives that kind of answer as an argument, it gets under our skin and pisses us right off. It's a conversation stopper, and gives absolutely nothing to the discussion at hand. It's also a lie. Because, such discussions are usually about RAW (rules-as-written), and unless that answer is listed in RAW, it is not the default answer. If anything, it would be a house rule, maybe. And if it's a house rule, say so.  "At my table..." rather than simply, "it's magic." You know what game setting exists where it is magic?  Exalted.  Because in Exalted, the world's physics and natural laws are governed by gods and spirits.  And if a god or spirit is not paying attention, the physics break down. You can literally have someone who's both alive, and dead, at the same time.  Or, gravity may suddenly, inexplicably, stop working, and someone might get flung into