
Showing posts from October, 2023

He-Man 2 and Storytelling

  So, a new He-Man cartoon is coming to Netflix. And I'm here for it. But already the whiners are coming out of the woodwork - people who didn't like the first series, and are thus automatically expecting the second series to suck. Notice:   The first series didn't suck. You just didn't like it. There's a difference. Me? I liked the new series. Why? Because it was more than a 30-minute toy commercial. Because it added to the lore of the setting. Because we got to look at other characters and learn more about them. Because it showed a very interesting side to society - that being 'everyone relied on He-Man, how does the world react to him  dying ?' His very absence and how people responded to it - how society changed - was  interesting . He doesn't have to be there to have his presence felt. We got to learn more about Castle Greyskull, more about the power of He-Man, more about Teela's heritage, more about Evil-Lyn. The world became more complex, more